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Ultimo Home Page 5

Unlimited Colors

You have never seen so many options! Change colors of dozens of elements, apply textures, upload background images…

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Responsive Layout

Ultimo can be displayed on any screen. It is based on fluid grid system. If screen is resized, layout will be automatically adjusted…

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Mega Menu

Two styles: wide mega menu or classic drop-down menu. You can add any custom content (images, text, HTML) to any category in the catalog…

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Our Featured Products

{{block class=”Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ListProduct” template=”product/list.phtml” category_id=”3″ grid_column_count=”3″ img_width=”300″ img_height=”300″}}

{{block class=”Infortis\Brands\Block\Brands” template=”brand_slider.phtml” pagination=”1″ block_name=”Product Brands”}}

Sample Custom Banners

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